Click here to download "Paint Air Battle Cinescapes Tutorial" using Painter. (pdf, 8mb)


These days I work commercially almost exclusively on
a fast PC (Windows 7 Professional, 3 GHz+, 4096 mb RAM)
Wacom Intuos4 XL Tablet


running Maya 2011
Painter 10
and Photoshop CS5

I love Painter because it most closely reproduces the sensation of painting traditionally.
I always have Photoshop running alongside Painter, the two programs work great back
and forth. I am excited by the potentials of all the new brushes and features for digital
painting in the latest version of Photoshop, I just haven't gotten around to trying them
out very much.

It is important to remember that programs are just tools. The two most important parts
of what I do are Good Design and Good Composition.

Painter Brushes I use:
My preferred brushes have changed in the past few years. I go into it more and explain
how to set them up in my Intro to Painter DVD. There are so many brushes in Painter
that closely mimic traditional methods of painting- you have to take the time and try them
out to find your favorites.

square chalk
digital airbrush
frosty water
camel hair
digital water color

If you're completely new to Painter and want to learn the basics of the software, try
on-line lessons at